Zoning the living and dining room: 7 best know things

Zoning of the living room is relevant for large apartments and small apartments. A modern guest open space often also includes a living room, dining area, and sometimes a bedroom.

Designers prefer to work not only with the architecture of the room, stationary and mobile structures but also actively use decorative techniques.

1. Partitions Modern design offers a large number of options for zoning the room with the help of partitions. Stationary partitions, on the one hand, are solid and unshakable, but on the other hand, it is difficult to get rid of them. Designers prefer to use light-permeable lightweight structures – glass blocks, wooden slats, and Plexiglas tubes, which allow natural light to penetrate into detachable spaces without windows. At the peak of popularity, loft partitions for zoning.

2. Ceiling and floor level difference The architectural technique works not only on the visual perception of the room but is also a very functional solution. If we are talking about zoning the living room and bedroom, then a practical solution will be to build a podium, at the base of which the storage system is usually placed.

3. Different coatings for walls, floor, and ceiling This method of zoning the room looks especially impressive when using not only different materials, but also textures. Even in a monochrome interior, it is possible to show the difference between the types of surface: dense and lighter.

4. Color zoning of the room Color in the interior is the first thing that a person perceives when entering a room. The sharper the contrast between the zones, the more obvious the boundary between them becomes. Simply painting the walls in different colors can easily separate the kitchen from the living room, and accentuate the working area. At the same time, it is worth approaching the zoning of the living room with color with special sensitivity, it is necessary to create soft combinations on halftones and the play of textures.

5. Textiles Zoning a room with textiles is not the most popular technique, but very functional. Its advantage is the simplicity and mobility of the design. With the help of a dense fabric curtain, you can hide the working area or bedroom in the studio apartment from prying eyes, and the textiles will also serve as additional sound insulation and ensure privacy.

6. Light Designers and decorators pay special attention to the organization of the correct light scenarios in the interior. Accent lamps help to highlight, for example, the dining area in the living room. The room should have brighter and darker zones, the light is inconceivable without shadow. The intensity of the lighting depends on the function, the light itself can be warm with a yellowish tint or cool with a neutral white or bluish color. Dim warm light is more comfortable for rest, for work is a suitable option with neutral lighting.

7. Furniture Cabinet furniture, in fact, can play the role of a partition in the room, while performing the function of storage. For zoning the living room, low objects are also suitable – a cabinet with dishes will separate the dining room, a desk or console will mark the workplace, and a sofa – is the actual recreation area. Another simple and aesthetic technique is the use of a screen in the interior. The object gives freedom in the layout, depending on the mood of the owner. A beautiful screen is practically a picture in the room, which also allows you to hide everything superfluous from prying eyes.

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