Trends 2023/2024: Interior trends you can’t miss

Fashion trends in interiors 2023 Interior design is influenced by what society cares about. These are the processes of globalization, climate change, concern for the environment, the possibility of a remote work schedule, and an active and changeable environment around life.

1. Eco-friendly Far from new, but every year the trend is gaining more and more popularity.

2. Minimalism In some ways, the concept of minimalism is supported by asceticism and neatness in design.

3. Functionality Given the fashion for minimalism, where there should be nothing superfluous, the principle of rationalism comes into force.

4. Manufacturability With the development of technology, equipping the interiors of houses and apartments with “smart” details has become a matter of comfort.

5. Natural and tactile The trend for sustainability continues with the trend for naturalness.

6. Personality The focus on the end user is becoming increasingly important.