The ultimate Holiday declutter checklist – 5 essential tips

1. Go Through Your Crockery

Is your fine dining crockery separate from your everyday set? Should you be using your fine dining set more often, instead of it sitting there unused all year? Don't save the best for one night only. Genius ways to organize a kitchen make mastering the art of storing your crockery and cutlery instantly easier.

2. Sort Linen And Towels

What are the linen cupboard and towel situations like in your home? When did you last go through them? How long have you had them? How are your sets organized? These are just a few questions to consider when thinking about towel storage ideas.

3. Borrow Don’t Buy New Cutlery Or Furniture

If you rarely host over the holiday season then investing in an exquisite cutlery set may not be on the cards. Many of us buy items we use for one day that then take up space we don’t have. Only buy what you have room to comfortably store.

4. Organize Christmas Decorations

If your Christmas decorations from last year are looking a little chaotic and disorganized then let's ensure that they won't be in such a state next year.

5. Get Rid Of Your Christmas Clutter

After Christmas Day, sort through the inevitable pile of rubbish by grouping items together according to how and where they can be disposed of. Remember sticky tape, glossy wrapping paper, and broken glass decorations cannot be recycled, unlike Christmas trees or old toys and clothes that have now been replaced by new gifts.

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