Interest in minimalism persisted throughout its existence; positions of the once avant-garde trend are firmly entrenched in modern architecture. People planning to build their own homes consider minimalism among the proposed options. To be imbued with the charm of the style, you need to get acquainted with its origins, to understand the basic principles and methods of facade design.
The features of minimalism in architecture first appeared in constructivism, an innovative architectural trend of the 1920s. The Dutch artists who united around the magazine “Style” in 1917-1928 had a great influence on the formation of minimalism.
The name of the style describes a certain way of life, which involves the rejection of the excesses of modern civilization. External simplicity with a minimum of details and an extremely limited color gamut does not make the style boring, but it helps to put your thoughts in order.
The color scheme follows the shape – it is also minimal. The color palette ideally contains two basic, rarely more, colors: white, black, shades of gray (but far from 50). The Japanese style direction proposes to dilute the palette with soft tones characteristic of natural materials. Of course, for the human mind, such a picture looks somewhat monotonous, so a bright accent is allowed, but only one (we are talking about minimalism). It can be a picture on the wall, a lamp, or a chair.
The average area of a minimalist cottage is up to 100 m2, a residential building – up to 500 m2. The area of a country house reaches, on average, 400 squares (if you take into account the utility rooms). In the last decade, there has been a steady demand for mini buildings in the style of minimalism with an area of up to 70 squares.
Varieties of style With the exception of some details, all varieties of style are united by strict geometry, which greatly facilitates the operation of the house, from rearranging furniture to renovation. In addition to the usual, “classic” minimalism, the architecture includes other directions. In the last 50 years, the following forms of style have emerged and taken root:
- Eco-minimalism - Scandinavian Minimaism - Japanese minimalism
Eco style
Scandinavian style