1 No plastic Plastic pollution harms animals and the environment, plastic decomposes in nature for tens and even hundreds of years.
2 Reusable It is worth thinking about the number of disposable things in everyday life and switching to reusable in cases where possible.
3 Sustainable cuisine One of the best ways to reduce your environmental impact is to grow your own greens, fruits, and vegetables.
4 Recycling Separate waste collection and the possibility of recycling become more accessible every year.
5 Conscious consumption of resources Modern household appliances with eco-modes minimize the consumption of water and electricity.
6 “Green” cleaning products Eco-friendly cleaning products include natural ingredients that make them safer for your family and the environment.
7 Mindful consumption We stopped mindlessly buying things. We want to live surrounded by things that have meaning for us, history.
8 Digitalization The need to receive and consume information on paper in the modern world has practically disappeared.