The right light can make even a small bathroom feel more spacious. How much light is needed and how to organize it, professionals will tell.

Plan the location of the fixtures in advance, because it will not be easy to change them after the construction is completed.

1. The main rule is safety When choosing equipment, remember that electrical appliances in the bathroom can come into contact with water, so it is very important to follow safety rules.

2. The bigger the bathroom, the more light For a miniature bathroom with an area of about five m2, a suspension in the center of the ceiling with two or three lamps is enough. But even if the bathroom is small, it is better to additionally illuminate the area of the washbasin and mirror to make it easier for you to carry out cosmetic procedures.

3. Distribute light into zones If the bathroom is spacious enough, provide local lighting, the features of which will depend on the configuration of the room and the design idea. The light should be correctly distributed, and the lamps should be located in all functional areas of the bathroom.

4. The more bulbs, the lower the power If you want your bathroom to be evenly lit, remember the rule: the more light sources in the room, the lower their power should be.

5. Avoid Glare You should not direct the lamps perpendicular to the reflective surfaces: it is better if they are located at an angle.

6. Move away from stereotypes A common mistake is to position one light directly above the mirror. Most likely in this case the reflection will be slightly distorted. It is better to install lamps on the sides of the mirror – or on top and sides.

7. Save electricity It is better to connect different lamps in the bathroom with separate lines because not every time you will need to turn on all the lights at once. And the most important advice: contact the professionals!

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