Design techniques, layouts of lamps, and their types – we tell you how to arrange lighting in the entrance area.

Thinking about the lighting in the hallway, you need to solve several problems at once: compensate for the lack of natural light , visually increase the area and, finally, make sure that a person, looking in the mirror before going out, can evaluate his appearance.

Features of the entrance area

Basically, the hallway is a dark and most often small area in the apartment. The lack of windows and the specific shape of the room require special ingenuity when planning artificial light.

Basic Rules First, a design project is thought out, then lighting. The sequence is exactly this, because the number of lighting fixtures and switches, as well as their location, directly depend on the arrangement of furniture and accessories.

Lighting scenarios Planning begins with general lighting, which provides the bulk of the light in the interior of the hallway.

General Depending on the shape and size of the room, there may be such options.

One or more ceiling lights.

Spotlights – emit rays in uniform beams, but it is better to supplement them with a diffuser in the center.

Spot – most often an overhead lamp with directional light. Can be mounted on a rail.

Wall sconces most often go as an addition to the main source, but in some cases, they can be an independent main light.

Local Local illumination is formed according to the functions and based on the design. Usually, this is the lighting of a cabinet or chest of drawers, shelves, mirrors, hangers, etc.

Decorative It is used if you need to emphasize any objects in the entrance area, make accents, or visually separate parts of the room.

Zoning with lighting Zoning with light can be vertical and horizontal. In the first case, it is used to adjust the proportions. For example, to visually lower a too-high ceiling in a small entrance area and widen the passageway, you can use wall sconces at an equal distance on both walls.