7 plants to deadhead in July – for an abundant display of blooms to enjoy


The glorious flowering spikes of perennial delphiniums are a fantastic sight in early summer. If you want a second flush, make deadheading an integral part of caring for your delphinium plants. Leave the plants alone and they will focus their energy on seed production. Alternatively, cut back spent delphinium flower spikes down to the base of the stem, as close to where it meets the plant as you can get. The reward for deadheading delphiniums may be a second round of smaller flowering spikes later in summer.


Roses are probably the most globally well-known for needing deadheading out of all the plants on this list. Deadheading roses are crucial for repeat-flowering shrub roses and those that don’t produce hips. If you want hips on your roses come fall, do not deadhead. Individual rose blooms can be snapped off throughout the season, done carefully to avoid damaging any other blooms or buds that are yet to open. When a whole flowering head has gone over, snip the entire cluster off with pruning shears back to the first leaf.


To keep your dahlias blooming for as long as possible, all the way through to the first frosts, then deadheading dahlias is key. As well as picking them for cut flowers, deadheading keeps all types of dahlias super-productive. Keep inspecting plants regularly and picking glorious flowers to display, however, when they go over, cut off those spent blooms. The trick is knowing how to differentiate between a dahlia bud yet to bloom and one that has bloomed - as they can look similar. If the bud is round and hard it is a new bud, while old ones are pointed and squashy. It is as simple as that and you can cut the stem of a spent bloom back to where it meets the stem.


Lupines always catch the eye in flower beds and borders thanks to their bright and colorful spikes appearing in late spring and early summer. Deadheading lupines is not often regarded as an essential task, but it can give you a second set of blooms. Wait until the flowers at the bottom of the spike start to turn brown - once this happens the rest of the spike will likely degrade quickly. To keep lupines blooming, cut the stalk down to a set of healthy leaves. This diverts the energy into producing new growth, rather than producing seeds, and you can get a second flush of flowers in late summer or early fall.


Peonies have a short and exuberant flowering season but unfortunately, they quickly fade, and these once-glorious blooms become brown and unsightly. While deadheading peonies will not reward you with more blooms this year, it does help guarantee another spectacular display next spring and early summer. The art of deadheading peonies focuses the plant’s energy on building a strong and healthy root system and producing buds to carry next year’s blooms. Trimming off the old flowers also aids the overall plant health, as it improves air circulation and removes spent blooms that can be ideal environments for fungal diseases as they degrade.


Cosmos are one of the best annual flowers to sow and easy flowers to grow from seed, though you can also buy plants to add to any backyard for quick pops of color. They start blooming in early summer and the season can be extended to its maximum with deadheading, potentially right through to October. A plant full of fading old blooms won’t be as visually appealing. Regularly deadheading once the first flush of flowers starts to go over will keep the plant producing more and more of their simple, but stunning, flowers.


Salvia is another plant that can be encouraged to bloom for longer by deadheading. Not only will you have more gorgeous flowers to enjoy but, as salvias are brilliant plants for pollinators, it means more blooms for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to enjoy.

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