Garden at home: 9 best flowering houseplants with names and photos

We made a selection of flowering varieties in three areas: climbing plants, unpretentious varieties, and blooming all year round. We give a brief description and recommendations for care.

We made a selection of flowering varieties in three areas: climbing plants, unpretentious varieties, and blooming all year round. We give a brief description and recommendations for care.

Flowers are the decoration of any home. They create a special aura of comfort and family warmth. The hostesses try to decorate the rooms with greenery. For some reason, many are sure that flowering crops are difficult to grow. It is not always so. We have compiled a catalog of flowering houseplants, in which experienced and novice flower growers will find the right option for themselves. 

Climbing crops

Ampelous varieties with long shoots curl beautifully along walls, stands, and furniture. Their flowering varieties are especially good.

1. Ivy Hoya

It is also called wax for the wax-like coating on the leaves. This is an evergreen vine. The length of shoots at home does not exceed 500-600 mm. The shape of the leaf depends on the variety: it can be ovoid, oval, or heart-shaped. Inflorescences are collected in an umbrella, each with up to 50 small five-petal flowers of white, light brown, cream, or pale green tone. Each of them lives for about three weeks, after which a new one appears in its place. Flowering lasts from late May to mid-autumn.

Ivy Hoya during the flowering period emits a pleasant aroma, as it belongs to curly honey plants. He loves heat and high humidity since his homeland is the tropics. In winter, it can tolerate a short-term drop in temperature to 15 ° C, but at 10 ° C and below, it may die. Ivy needs fresh air, and ventilation is necessary. However, cold drafts can be fatal to him. Demanding lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best choice for him is the western or eastern side of the house. Some sources have claims of its toxicity. Just in case, keep the plant in a place where small children and animals could not reach.

2. Stefanotis

A decorative creeper with rather large flowers, similar to an elongated bell. Cannot develop normally in a cramped space. Small apartments are not suitable for her. In them, she may live, but she definitely will not bloom. It blooms from late spring to early autumn. Then stephanotis needs rest. At this time, he needs coolness and lighting is desirable, since the winter daylight hours are too short for him.

Liana feels good at fairly high temperatures. The ideal mode is from 20°C to 30°C with high humidity. Sharp temperature changes and cold drafts are excluded. They will destroy Stephanotis. He loves plentiful but at the same time rare watering. During the period of seasonal heating, two-time daily spraying is required, otherwise, it will suffer from a lack of moisture.

Hardy flowering houseplants

Not all varieties require close attention. Some are quite comfortable with minimal human intervention. We list the names of such flowering indoor plants. They are unpretentious, but, nevertheless, very beautiful. 

1. Balsam

In nature, there are about five hundred species of this extremely popular home flower. He also has a lot of names: touchy, Vanka-wet, light, and others. Varieties of balsam differ in height (from 200 to 550 mm), leaf shape, size, and color of inflorescences. Among them, there are both monophonic of various shades, and with specks or stripes. The most unusual are hybrids with large double flowers and colorful leaves.

Under certain conditions, the plant is in bloom almost all year round. To do this, he needs bright light every day. A few hours a day is enough. At the same time, it does not tolerate too bright a sun. For the summer, it is better to remove it from the windowsills facing south. There are no special requirements for temperature and humidity conditions. Watering balsam prefers plentiful and frequent, with a lack of moisture sheds the lower leaves, and becomes lethargic. But stagnant moisture is dangerous for him. Rot develops quickly. 

2. Fuchsia

In nature, these are shrubs and trees, and at home flowering houseplants with unusually shaped flowers with long white or red stamens. They grow and develop well on the window sill because they need warmth in summer and coolness in winter. Fuchsia is in bloom all summer, begins to bloom in April, and ends in October. Winter is a period of rest for her. At this time, she completely sheds foliage. Inexperienced flower growers are frightened and believe that fuchsia has died, but this is not so.

The best temperature for the development of the bush is in the range of 20 ° C-24 ° C. Starting in March, it is watered abundantly as the earthen coma dries up. After November, the amount of moisture is reduced so much that the earth in the container does not dry out. The bush loves high humidity, in the summer it must be sprayed. At the beginning of intensive spring growth, the shoots are cut off and given the desired shape. The colors of fuchsia are very different, one of their options is in the photo below. 

3. Kalanchoe

One of the varieties of the Crassulaceae family. Differs in large fleshy leaves of different shapes. Forms several umbrella inflorescences with small flowers of purple, pink, white, and yellow. Kalanchoe blooms in the last days of February and fades in a month. Depending on the variety, these terms may vary slightly. In the photo below, a blooming Kalanchoe.  

Demanding on lighting. He needs an intense but diffused light flux. Temperature regime without features. Easily tolerates heat, subject to regular spraying, sensitive to cold. Undemanding to humidity. Water Kalanchoe moderately, as the upper part of the earthy coma dries. After the bush has faded, flower stalks are removed from it. It is best to cut them with a sharp tool.

4. Amaryllis

Among the bulbous, there are few truly unpretentious ones, but this one can be considered as such – a bush with long narrow leaves, among which long peduncles appear. Funnel-shaped large flowers of white or bright pink tone bloom on them. They are collected with an umbrella, each can have up to 12 copies. Each of them lives for six days, then falls off. Amaryllis blooms from April to May. During active growth, and this is November-June, the culture needs good lighting, abundant watering, and warmth. In the resting phase, she needs coolness and twilight. It is best to remove the amaryllis in the cellar or basement. It must be remembered that even in the resting phase, it needs moisture. As the earthen coma dries out, it must be watered. This is the most difficult part of crop care because inexperienced growers often forget about it. Amaryllis is very beautiful. 

Constant flowering crops

Indoor plants that bloom all year round are especially in demand. We have selected the most beautiful varieties.

1. Begonia

The Begonia family has more than a thousand species and about two thousand of their hybrids. Plants that share a common name are very diverse. Despite this, care for them is basically the same. Begonia loves constancy. For it, you need to allocate a place and not transfer it to another. Intensive lighting is desirable but without direct sunlight. The best place for her is a window sill facing west or east. 

If the room temperature is stable and does not fall below 16 ° C, fertilizer is applied every two weeks, the bush will constantly bloom. Flowers vary in size and color. Begonia loves high humidity because its homeland is the tropics. Spraying is not recommended because dark spots remain on the leaves. To increase the humidity, a tray with wet expanded clay is used, in which a container with begonia is placed. As it dries, the filler is moistened.

2. Geranium

Indoor decorative culture with beautiful bright inflorescences. Their color may vary. Experienced flower growers know a way to make a bush even more attractive. To do this, they plant geranium shoots of a different shade on it. The closest relative of culture, pelargonium, is also suitable. It is chosen for its rich blue tone, which is not found in geraniums. The grafted bush pleases the owner with simultaneously blooming multi-colored inflorescences.

With proper care, geraniums bloom all year round. This requires bright light, and the best place to place the bush is the windowsill of a south-facing window. There are no special requirements for humidity or temperature, a sharp drop in temperature is highly undesirable. The bush does not tolerate drafts well, it is better to protect it from them. Watering is plentiful, but not frequent. Geraniums have a peculiarity: in winter, it should be watered rarely and little by little. 

3. Violet 

She is a saintpaulia or an uzambar violet. The first specimens were found in the mountainous regions of Tanzania and Kenya, and more than 32 thousand modern varieties originated from them. This is a small bush with small flowers collected in a bunch. Their colors are very diverse, there are even green specimens of different shades. Petals can be plain, striped, bordered or spotted. When favorable conditions are created, violet can be continuously in bloom.

The culture feels comfortable at 20 °C-24 °C, temperatures below 15 °C are undesirable. Needs diffused, but bright lighting. The light day should be 13-14 hours, so backlighting may be required. Dislikes direct sunlight. The best place for her is a window sill facing north or northeast. High humidity is contraindicated for her, fungal diseases may appear. It is watered as the soil dries out, only the method of bottom watering is used. 

We have compiled a catalog of the best flowering houseplants with names and photos, and supplemented it with care recommendations. They are quite simple and easy to do. If you follow them, the greenery will actively develop and grow, delighting the owner with a healthy look and abundant lush flowers.

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