White furniture upholstery: Pros and Cons

For many, the phrase “white furniture” still shows a small shiver. Is this color so terrible in the interior, as they say about it?
For many, the phrase "white furniture" still shows a small shiver. Is this color so terrible in the interior, as they say about it?
For many, the phrase “white furniture” still shows a small shiver. Is this color so terrible in the interior, as they say about it?

For many, the phrase “white furniture” still shows a small shiver. Is this color so terrible in the interior, as they say about it?

The definition of “impractical” has firmly entrenched in the white color, and if the situation has changed with clothes, then in the interior such as a sofa or chair still raises many questions. In fact, white has exactly as many Cons as Pros. We’ll tell you which ones.


There are many reasons to have a white sofa in your interior.

  • It’s aesthetic. In the interior, such a sofa or armchair is already an accent in itself. Put in a white sofa and you won’t have to worry about decor.
  • Due to its neutrality, this shade is a universal base for any color accents and combinations. The sofa can be decorated with a heap of bright decorative pillows, and throw a contrasting blanket on the chair – it will look logical thanks to the unifying white color. In addition to the decor, you can afford any colors in the decoration of walls and floors. Rest assured, white furniture will almost always be in the yard.
  • It is impossible not to note the well-known ability of white to expand space. This applies not only to decoration but also to furniture. It is able to visually enlarge even rooms with dark walls. Plus, you can choose a more massive model of a sofa or armchair – in white it will not look bulky.
  • It’s a paradox, but what almost all housewives are worried about – dirtiness – does not always apply to white furniture. For example, the dust on it is almost invisible. Unlike dark upholstery, where every lint is visible. Of course, we mean a small amount of dust, not a centimeter layer.
  • White is associated with purity and tranquility; surrounded by objects of this color, it is better to relax and have a more pleasant rest.
  • On a white background, all objects look more expressive. If the room has not only white furniture but also light walls, any decor will look impressive.


Unfortunately, there are still reasons to worry about the color of the upholstery.

  • The very first thing that white and generally light shades are associated with is dirtiness. And if the situation is simpler with furniture made of wood and plastic, then the upholstery of sofas and armchairs is really associated with certain troubles. It needs to be cleaned regularly. The downside is that not all owners are ready and have the opportunity to arrange general cleaning with furniture cleaning every week. This is necessary, as even fingerprints leave traces on white.
  • It is important not to overdo it with both white itself and other light shades, otherwise, the room will look uncomfortable and unnatural.
  • A similar rule applies to different interior styles. In classic design options, white does not always look organic. If you are thinking of updating the sofa group in a classic living room to white, it is better to seek the help of a professional.
  • Another facet of the complexity of color is its exactingness. White things require certain habits and lifestyles of the owners. For example, the presence of pets or small children in the house calls into question the safety of white upholstery.


So, if you like a bright interior, you have accent curtains or carpet, and no pets, feel free to opt for white upholstery. But if cleaning is not your forte, you already have a bright interior – it makes sense to dwell on more familiar shades of furniture, at least beige, milky or gray.

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