Wallpaper for children’s rooms

Wallpapers from children’s collections will help create a good mood and, perhaps, become a source of inspiration for both kids and teenagers.

One of the conditions for the harmonious development of the child is a beautifully decorated room that will give him a sense of security and comfort. Wallpapers from children’s collections will help create a good mood and, perhaps, become a source of inspiration for both kids and teenagers.

What wallpaper will help create an interior that matches the character and interests of the child? There are many options: background canvases in pastel colors combined with original borders; wallpaper with a more intense pattern; bright colorful panels, which are enough to decorate only one of the walls. To do without a long, painstaking selection of decor elements in harmoniously combined colors, it is worth using companion fabrics. But first of all, pay attention to the consumer properties of wallpaper, and think of the pros and cons of paper, non-woven, or vinyl. 

Material part

Children’s collections are most often represented by paper wallpapers since this material is absolutely safe for health. With frequent interior updates, they will become a worthy alternative to other types of wallpaper. The service life of coatings depends on the operating conditions, but, as a rule, does not exceed 5 years. Paper wallpapers are not very resistant to mechanical stress, moisture, and sunlight. To improve the performance properties of the material, some manufacturers apply special latexes or varnishes to its surface. In case of contamination, such canvases can be gently wiped with a damp cloth. 

More practical and durable non-woven wallpaper. They are a non-woven fabric pressed from a mixture of cellulose and synthetic fibers with a binder. The densest and most durable of them tolerate wet cleaning without any problems. It is not difficult to stick non-woven wallpaper on the wall: the composition is applied to the prepared base, and not to the canvas. When wet, the coating does not swell, when dried, it does not shrink, that is, it practically does not deform. By the way, during the next repair, the canvases are easily and without residue separated from the walls. 

Vinyl wallpaper has no equal in terms of ease of regular maintenance. The walls with them can be wiped with a damp cloth or washed. The drawing does not fade over time. And the coating lasts at least 10 years. Of course, vinyl wallpapers are not made from natural materials, but to say that they are not environmentally friendly is wrong. Rolls of high-quality vinyl sheets that have passed special testing are marked with environmental safety pictograms, which means that there is no emission of harmful substances, and also indicates the presence of micropores that increase the vapor permeability of the material.

How to glue wallpaper next to the sockets and switches: the front panel of the switch/socket is removed (a). The wallpaper is glued over the box with the contact group, after which cross-shaped cuts are made above it (b). Carefully cut with a knife and remove the wallpaper edge around the electrical element (c). Return the front panel (d)

Rules of applying

More recently, wallpaper sheets were glued with an overlap. The process started from the window and moved in the opposite direction – then daylight fell on the open ends of the paintings, and they became less noticeable. Now most wallpapers are glued end-to-end, but skilled craftsmen continue to follow the established “window-to-door” work order, including for decorating the ceiling. Although sometimes work starts from the middle of the wall. A deviation 
from the rule is associated with the design of modern wallpaper. Many canvases have a large pattern. Large flowers or ornamental compositions look more impressive and organic if they end in the same fragments in the corners. 

Color correction

When choosing a wallpaper color for a nursery, it is important to take into account the temperament and psycho type of the child. For active kids, wallpaper in light, cool shades are preferable. They visually expand the room, creating a feeling of open space. For calm and dreamy natures, it is better to choose wallpapers of bright and juicy tones that will give a boost of energy and a good mood. But it should be remembered that too intense color overloads the child’s psyche. For example, red is invigorating, and increases appetite, but can also cause anxiety and trouble falling asleep. Blue, the color of stability, calms. However, in too large quantities, it causes a feeling of depression. Among the safest are various shades of yellow. They have a positive effect on kids and contribute to increased physical activity and creativity. In a room facing north where sunlight is unlikely to penetrate, thanks to the yellow wallpaper it will become lighter and more comfortable. Comfortable and nuances of orange. Peach, terracotta, and other colors that are close to the flesh are associated with the mother by the child and help create an atmosphere of warmth and security. 

Using wallpapers of different colors and patterns, you can highlight the functional areas in a spacious room and, conversely, designate the conditional boundaries of a nursery in a small room. The stronger the coatings differ in color, the greater the visual contrast between parts of the room. 

Bright, colorful canvases will draw attention to one of the walls or to an interesting architectural element. By the way, this technique can visually change the configuration of a narrow room. Long walls with light wallpaper will visually move apart, and dark ones that are far from each other will become closer. The key to success in designing a nursery is a skillful combination of wallpaper, companion fabrics, and other decorative elements, as well as a sense of style and proportion.  

We dilute the glue: to make an adhesive solution from a dry mixture or concentrate, pour the amount of water indicated on the package into a bucket, shake with a spatula and quickly (in 30 seconds) add the glue without stopping stirring the water (a). Leave the solution for a few minutes, then stir vigorously again (b). Keep in mind: the liquid concentrate is easier to dose, focusing on the pasting area or the number of rolls, and the optimal concentration of glue from a dry mixture can be obtained if you use the entire pack at once (c, d)


For wallpapering, the optimum temperature is 18–22 ˚C. If you perform work in winter in an unheated room, then the canvases can peel off. It is desirable that the room temperature does not fall below 15 ˚C nor rise above 30 ˚C. The adhesive layer should dry gradually, within 24 hours. The consequences of accelerated drying are peeling of the sheets. Many of us are well aware of how difficult it is to glue high-quality wallpaper near a working battery. The glue dries faster than necessary, and the wallpaper does not have time to adhere to the base. Another reason for material peeling is strong air currents, which lead to uneven drying of the glue. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep windows and doors closed to prevent drafts. 

Wallpaper decors for a children’s room are incredibly diverse. Kids will love canvases with funny animals and birds, letters of the alphabet, cartoon characters. Before going to bed, parents will be able to tell stories about each character, learn the alphabet with their child, or come up with words and fairy tales that begin with a certain letter. Older children are addressed to wallpapers dedicated to travel or hobbies: ballet, sports, drawing. For a teenager, the opportunity for self-expression is important. It is necessary to take into account his opinion and interests, and the interior of the room should correspond to the character of the owner. A good solution is photo wallpaper. Graffiti, an image of a pet, a favorite musical group, a panel dedicated to active sports … The main thing is to choose wallpaper with your child, showing respect for his opinion.

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