Martino Gamper: renovation of showroom interior in Milan

Martino Gamper has designed the interior of a new space in Milan’s Brera district for the Kerakoll brand. The new showroom décor explores the concept of stratification as a sustainable design approach and features updated techniques using Kerakoll colors and surfaces.

Martino Gamper has designed the interior of a new space in Milan’s Brera district for the Kerakoll brand. The new showroom décor explores the concept of stratification as a sustainable design approach and features updated techniques using Kerakoll colors and surfaces.

“The idea for the Strato came to me when I was thinking about how to change the style of the Kerakoll showroom in Milan. My idea was to play with the past and the present, using the architecture of spaces and a whole range of colors to create a new future,” explains Martino Gamper. “The shapes I imagined have become pieces of furniture that speak the simple geometric language but still hide great complexity in their lines and articulations. I chose this combination of elements, obtained using Kerakoll colors and wood, as the best way to create a new, stimulating, and interactive environment for visitors.”

Martino Gamper makes us think about the purpose of design today: when society is confronted with increasingly pressing ethical and environmental imperatives, design should not feel limited to constantly creating new objects, but rather be inspired by the restoration of the value of what already exists, in a process of potentially endless renewal and an improvement in which both creativity and technology win.

“Conceptually, the Strato project continues the path that Gamper began to explore with the Plinthos installation he created for our showroom windows at the last Fuorisalone. Our collaboration has always been based on certain core values: careful selection of materials, craftsmanship, close connection with the environment, and a sustainable approach to design,” adds Alessandro Dondi, director of marketing and communications at Kerakoll.

A new concept for the showroom was chosen to convey the idea of ​​an ever-changing space. Just like a living organism, an exhibition hall can also change shape to adapt to new contexts and situations in order to offer visitors an immersive interactive experience.

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