Detailed color guide for kids room

We analyze the psychological aspect, the appropriateness of different colors in the children’s room, and give useful tips on choosing a shade.
We analyze the psychological aspect, the appropriateness of different colors in the children's room, and give useful tips on choosing a shade.
We analyze the psychological aspect, the appropriateness of different colors in the children’s room, and give useful tips on choosing a shade.

We analyze the psychological aspect, the appropriateness of different colors in the children’s room, and give useful tips on choosing a shade.

When decorating the interior of a kid’s bedroom, you need to take into account various aspects. What color in the kid’s bedroom can affect the development of the baby and the formation of his character? How to help a child deal with difficulties or, conversely, distract from negative situations by choosing the right shade? Experiment with the design, not forgetting that the child’s worldview may not coincide with yours. Keep track of his mood and condition and act on this basis.

Color psychology: myths and facts

Myth: Colors affect everyone the same.

In books and in modern manuals on psychological influence, even in a book on feng shui, the same principles of the influence of color on a person are given.

How really?

Each color has its own meaning only within a particular culture. For example, for a European, white symbolizes purity and innocence, and for a resident of China, it symbolizes death. In the Chinese tradition, the color of knowledge is blue, and in the European tradition it is yellow, the color activates the activity of the brain. Colors do not act objectively, immediately on the subconscious and physiology, but subjectively, through the cultural environment. And it is unlikely that in practice a mixture of information obtained from European psychological literature and the postulates of the teachings of Feng Shui will have a special effect.

Myth: Color can make a child learn.

For example, a child does not study well and does not want to play sports. Wanting to help him, you change the color scheme of the interior to red, stimulating activity. And you are waiting for the result.

How really?

It is better to refuse such an approach. Each person has a special temperament, temperament, and reacts individually to events and influences. If a child is closed and inclined to soar in the clouds, red wallpaper, and furniture will not make him an excellent student and the soul of the company. Yes, they will stimulate activity, but it will most likely remain internal. Moreover, the child is more likely to suppress it in order to maintain his calmness. Such internal conflict can even lead to neurosis.

Choosing a color for a nursery

Children’s room in white flowers

For many nations, white is a symbol of good luck, goodness, and life. White brings hope, energy, and the power of transformation. It effectively tones up and also has a beneficial effect on closed and constrained children, their self-esteem increases. However, the dominant white can cause a feeling of impregnability and superiority over others, as well as the impression of excessive sterility in the room. It is best used in combination with other colors. White is perfect for Scandinavian-style nurseries.


People who prefer gray do not believe that something can be changed with the help of emotions, they do not believe in the sincerity of experiences; believe that feelings should be shown only in certain circumstances (but not now). Hence their constant stiffness, restraint, and, consequently, emotional exhaustion. Gray color stabilizes the environment, but it is dual. On the one hand, it has a negative meaning: a person in a gray room feels isolated, separated from others. On the other hand, in its positive meaning, gray corresponds to stability and confidence that the best is yet to come. This duality is associated with the peculiarities of the impact on a person of various shades.

Light gray is soothing. Moreover, it causes a slight feeling of peace, and freedom, and determines a good psychoenergetic state. And dark gray, on the contrary, reflects unreasonable anxiety, is devoid of internal energy, it crushes. Any shade of gray does not encourage action. A dark-gray room is not suitable for healthy children, as it is the color of illness, passivity, and boredom.


Yellow color represents the mind – it is believed that it affects intellectual development and stimulates the expansion of cognitive interests. It helps to overcome difficulties and promotes concentration. Under the influence of yellow, a person makes decisions quickly. 

Yellow stimulates the development of intuition and ingenuity. Its presence in the nursery has a positive effect on absolutely all aspects of a child’s life: it activates the activity of the brain, improves mood, and increases the speed of perception, and visual acuity. Yellow is contraindicated only in cases where the child is too excitable.


The green room is a room for relaxation. It promotes introspection, stimulates the desire of a person to understand himself, does not require anything, and does not call anywhere. A person under the influence of green becomes more attentive – that is why in the past desks were covered with green cloth, and table lamps had green shades. In addition, the dominance of the green scale contributes to a good mood and helps to fight insomnia. Drawings, toys, and book bindings, green children’s furniture – what a child needs.


Red is a source of energy, it personifies power, breakthrough, and the will to win. Red and burgundy colors have an exciting effect on the nervous system and increase blood pressure. Hypotension and apathetic, inactive children will feel better in an interior with bright red accents. The red color of the walls in the nursery is definitely superfluous, it is better to add it accentuated. With prolonged exposure, this color negatively affects the children’s psyche, so an interior with a predominance of red can cause headaches and nightmares. Children living in such a room are more likely to quarrel.


Warm, joyful, and energetic color has all the advantages of red but does not carry aggression, it acts quite gently. It constantly keeps in good shape and is associated with self-affirmation, the desire to achieve a goal. Almost always, it has a beneficial effect, as it improves mood, evoking thoughts about the positive aspects of life (unlike blue). Orange helps a person feel more relaxed and free, and tunes in to optimism and openness in communication. According to researchers in the child’s psyche, all kids love orange. It promotes digestion, and increases appetite, but busting with this color in the interior can cause overwork in a child, and sometimes even dizziness. Therefore, it is best if only a few details are orange in the nursery. Orange has an activating effect on closed children, and helps to get rid of fears. It stimulates the development of creative abilities.

Pink baby color

The warmth of this color dissolves negativity. The prevailing pink indicates a person’s need for protection, his detachment from real life, and his departure into the world of dreams, fairy tales, and lofty thoughts. Excessive passion for pink suggests that the teenager considers himself too thin, emotional, and aristocratic in nature, which is difficult to fit into the surrounding rough world. If you want to raise your child to be a leader, domineering and tough, this color is not suitable for his room.


Blue depresses the nervous system, causes a weakening of the pulse, relieves muscle tension, and dulls pain. Sometimes under its influence fatigue and depression occur. In a nursery, blue can be present only to a very limited extent: for example, pajamas, a child’s dressing gown, and a border on a blanket.

Tips for choosing colors for the interior of the nursery

1. It is better to choose a light range

In the design of a nursery, avoid dark spectral transitions, because colors that smoothly turn into black have a depressing and aggressive effect on the child’s psyche. Light colors, on the contrary, are more likely to fill the room with a cheerful atmosphere, very useful for the development of the child. A great solution is to use shades of ivory with golden splashes and blue, like the sky, tones for the walls.

Pastel colors are ideal for children. It refreshes the room, creates a good mood. You can paint all the walls in different colors. So, a bluish or greenish wall, on which the sun’s rays fall, reduces the brightness of the color and causes a feeling of coolness. A wall in the shade is best done in peach or cream. And to stimulate the creative activity of the child, Japanese designers recommend hanging children’s drawings on the walls. This will give the room a personal touch.

2. Find the right combinations

A harmonious two-tone finish in a child’s room can also be a good decorating idea. The combination of sand and light green dilutes the monotony and gives the interior a kind of originality and picturesqueness. Gray pastel with orange elements or in contrast with delicate lilac will look no less elegant. And the traditional combination of soft green and pink, like a second wind, enlivens the interior, filling it with vitality, energy, and purity. Look for combinations!

3. Don’t make the room too bright

The word “nursery” is applicable to completely different rooms: for games, for classes, and for sleeping. Perhaps, not every person can allocate several rooms to a child – as a rule, children both sleep and play in the same room. You should not choose too bright colors for the nursery and fill it with a lot of colorful toys, likening children’s games to entertainment centers. At home, such a design will lead to the fact that the child will be constantly excited, will become capricious, demanding new entertainment from tired mom and dad, he will hardly be able to put him to bed. Do not forget that the nursery is primarily a bedroom. Bright toys that can be taken out of boxes and then put away are turned into a play area.

4. Consider the age of the child

When designing a nursery, the age of the child must be taken into account. When he is less than 2 years old, the main role is played by the tastes of his mother, through whom the child perceives the world. If you decorate the room in such a way that the mother begins to feel discomfort (even if it is a soothing blue or a yellow that stimulates development), then the son or daughter will feel uncomfortable. For general development in the nursery, it is useful to have toys in all primary colors so that the baby can learn their names.

A child of 3-7 years old forms his idea of ​​the world through the game. Therefore, the room must be designed so that it can turn into a play space. When the baby wants to sleep, toys should be put away in drawers, cabinets. In a preschooler’s room, it is better to use several shades: this helps to master color standards and contributes to the emergence of various emotional states. A place for self-expression is also required – a corner for drawing on the wall or for designing.

At the age of 7-12 years, the leading activity is cognitive. The study room should not be covered with wallpaper with a bright detailed pattern, as they are distracting and interfere with concentration.

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