7 design techniques that will help make your interior functional

7 design techniques that will help make your interior functional 23

Durable finishing materials, shelving, and screens – we give advice on designing a comfortable interior.

1. The primacy of function over form

In the twenties of the last century, functionalism arose in architecture – a style that implied a complete absence of decorative ornaments. The buildings turned out to be very laconic and restrained, and this trend quickly spread to the interior. The complete lack of decoration and design techniques made such apartments devoid of comfort, so the style had to adapt to the people. The result is a completely comfortable minimalist style, in which every detail makes life more convenient.

2. Practicality and durability

All materials used in functionalism last a long time and do not create problems in everyday life. The floor is covered with wooden parquet or bamboo and lined with large artificial stone tiles. The walls can be concrete or covered with brickwork if space allows and you want to add a little industrial touch. If not, paint them in plain light shades or cover them with laconic wallpaper, which must be washable.

3. Neutral color palette

You should feel comfortable in this interior, so the colors are very calm and restrained: shades of brown, beige, white, and gray. Walls and ceilings are typically light, and floors can be dark to create contrast and a grounded feel. There are practically no bright accents or small accessories.

4. Practical, but without asceticism

Despite the general desire for minimalism, this style still exists so that you feel comfortable in it. This means that there is definitely room for a couple of your favorite soft chairs, a velour sofa, and a long-pile carpet, even if it is not entirely practical. Don’t limit yourself and don’t deprive yourself of your favorite and comfortable things, but adhere to the theory of reasonable consumption: before you buy something, think about whether it has any important function other than decorative. If the answer is no, then perhaps you shouldn’t buy it after all, since it goes against the idea of ​​functionalism.

5. Simple shapes and straight lines

Functionalism does not accept decoration for the sake of decoration; carving, stucco molding, and complex shapes do not fit into it. All the furniture is very simple, no frills. Push mechanisms for opening or hidden handles are used. Convenient storage systems are organized and all little things are removed from sight. At the same time, the amount of furniture is also limited – you need to achieve a feeling of an uncluttered, spacious interior.

6. Functional furniture

It was in this style direction that furniture on wheels became widespread. It is easy to move during cleaning and rearrange around the apartment if necessary. There is always a gap between the floor and large furniture, so there are no problems with wet cleaning of the floors. 

Another clear sign of functionalism is transformable furniture. Sofa beds, chair beds, dismountable tables, and entire modules that combine several different items. As a result, you save space and combine several useful functions.

7. Shelving and screens

Functionalism is characterized by a clear division of zones: the dining area is separated from the relaxation area, and the sleeping area is separated from the workspace. Racks, which at the same time become additional storage space, and movable screens on wheels help with this. 

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