5 proven ways to improve indoor air quality

Daily ventilation, air humidification, and regular cleaning of the air conditioner – we tell you how to make it easy to breathe at home.

1. Create a ventilation schedule

Everyone knows that the apartment needs to be ventilated. True, most often they remember this only when their head hurts or it becomes completely stuffy. But if you do not ventilate your home daily, the concentration of carbon dioxide will constantly increase in the air, and mold or fungus may also start.

There are a few simple rules that will always maintain optimal air circulation:

  • The room in which you stay for several hours in a row needs to be ventilated every 2 hours. In winter, it is enough to open the window for 3-5 minutes, in the warm season – for 15-20 minutes.
  • One small window is not enough. To properly ventilate the room, open the large window sash.
  • To provide ventilation in a space where there are no windows (for example, in a corridor), open all the windows and interior doors in the apartment at the same time. This creates an air draft, which allows you to ventilate all corners of the housing.

If there are children and pets at home, do not forget about safety rules. There should be nets on the openings, and access to a room with an open window is limited.

2. Install a carbon dioxide sensor

Where the tenants of the apartment stay for a long time, it makes sense to install carbon dioxide sensors. Usually, we decide it’s time to air out the room based on our own feelings, but this is not the most reliable indicator. The moment when the level of carbon dioxide is out of the norm comes quickly and imperceptibly, and the physical symptoms appear only after a few hours. The sensor will help you catch the moment when it’s time to open a window or turn on the air purifier, and some models will even send a reminder to your phone.

3. Get an air purifier

For allergy sufferers and those who live in a big city, airing does not always bring relief. In addition to oxygen from the street, dust and pollen enter the apartment. This does not eliminate the need to ventilate the apartment but adds the task of additionally purifying the air. All gadgets with this function have two types of filters inside fine and coarse filters. The first is responsible for large dust particles. The second is for capturing formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, and other gases. The most effective are electrostatic, photocatalytic, and HEPA filters.

4. Clean hoods and air conditioners regularly

Air conditioners and hoods have filters that must be cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Those that need to be replaced are usually replaced every 5-6 months. And those that can be washed should be cleaned every 1.5-2 months of regular use. If you constantly forget about this procedure, you will breathe polluted air, and you will have to clean your house much more often due to the accumulation of dust.

5. Install a humidifier or dehumidifier

Ventilation and air purification practically do not affect the level of humidity in the apartment. If the air in your house is consistently too dry (for example, in winter, when central heating radiators are working) or, conversely, too damp, this needs to be corrected. In the first case, mucous membranes are strongly irritated, in the second, fungus and mold appear. This is where a dehumidifier or humidifier comes in handy. Such devices have self-regulating sensors, so they themselves will determine the level of moisture and will turn on when necessary. 

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