5 House Plants You Can’t Kill

Meet the guide to five house plants that are nearly imposs

Plants in your home are not just beautiful. Green pets reduce stress, improve mood and improve performance

“My artificial flowers dried up because I didn’t water them enough,” joked the legendary American stand-up comedian Mitch Hedberg. I must admit, caring for indoor plants (live or artificial, like Mitch Hedberg’s) is really not the easiest thing to do. After your second or third flower has left this world, it is easier to admit that gardening is not your calling and surrender submissively. And this is where we step in.

Meet the guide to five house plants that are nearly impossible to kill, even if you really try hard to get rid of them. The gentle green space between the sofa and the coffee table is an easy way to liven up the interior and hint to guests that you are a skilled florist. And also, behind the unbending desire of plants to hold on to life is the hard work of purifying the air in the apartment, and who can say that this is not a mini-detox effortlessly? So, whether you are disillusioned with houseplants after past setbacks, new to gardening, or just looking to take a refresher course to learn about the hardiest flowers, this list is for you. Your home and all of its inhabitants will thank you.

Cast-Iron Plant

Once widely loved, this flower has been forgotten, but today its popularity is growing again. Named after the metal alloy – Cast Iron Plant, it is also unbending and unpretentious, like cast iron. This plant is indifferent to frequent watering and feels great without water for weeks. If you forget to water it for a long time, don’t panic! Cast-Iron plant has a wonderful property to revive again and again. Native to China, Cast Iron grows stubbornly even in low light, making it perfect for dark corners of an apartment that need to be brightened up.


Native to West Africa, this flower is a true “lone wolf” – the more you ignore it, the better it feels. Seriously, don’t do anything! Going on vacation for three weeks? Fine! He will faithfully wait for you at home, not demanding anything in return.  Sansevieria is a real expert in purifying the atmosphere and filling it with oxygen – move it at home and soon you will notice that breathing has become noticeably easier. Agree, not bad for a plant that is so unpretentious. Water it lightly every few weeks, be careful not to overdo it, especially in winter.  Sansevieria prefers indirect light, but, as already mentioned, it is difficult to do something wrong in relation to it.

Jade plant

Jade plant loves to swim in the sun because her homeland is South Africa and Mozambique, so find a bright corner for her in your home. This flower doesn’t need to be watered on schedule either, just feel the ground once a week or two, and if the soil is too dry, give the plant some moisture. It is believed that the Jade plant brings good luck and even money, in honor of which she was nicknamed “The Money Tree”.  Jade plants come in different sizes – we like medium ones, like the one in the photo. If you decide to own even a tiny Money Tree, you will be amazed how your home will be transformed with this little green pplant on the kitchen window or bathroom sink.


A native of Southeast Asia, rubber ficus, as the name suggests, has given the world one important industrial ingredient – rubber. Today it is known as a popular houseplant, and its large, dark green leaves are perfect for decorating the interior with wooden furniture. A rubber ficus can grow up to 15 meters in height (you have high ceilings, right?) A large ficus growing to the ceiling plays the role of a dominant in the interior and lives for years. If you choose this path, we advise you to start with a small young plant and give it time to mature. The flower will have the opportunity to adapt to your home, which guarantees its future prosperity.


Aloe is one of the most common wild plants in Africa and India. This flower will continue to grow, despite all your efforts to send it to the next world. Seriously, cut off one of his “arms”, you heard right, that’s what we mean. Aloe is renowned as an excellent remedy for any skin damage, from burns and cuts to excessive dryness. Scientists and doctors assure that aloe can bring many more benefits to your body. The plant is loaded with vitamins A, C, E, and B-12, folates, and a long list of vital minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and zinc. We almost forgot you can also use it to make the Aloe Vera Margarita cocktail.

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