How to design a stylish and vandal-proof interior

how to design a stylish and vandal proof interior 2

Designers from the Mirburo studio created a laconic and bright interior for a young customer who loves sports and art. For decoration, we chose simple but anti-vandal materials, with an emphasis on a minimalist environment. Want to repeat it at home? Take note of ideas.

1. Tiles behind kitchen units

Wall decoration along the entire perimeter of the wall is a very functional and practical solution. The tile is easy to clean and difficult to deform. And it’s not expensive at all if you choose the simplest white squares.

2. …and on the wall behind the dining table

The designers tiled part of the wall in the dining area. An unusual and rarely used solution. But how interesting and practical! Usually, the paint and wallpaper in the area of ​​chairs and benches wear off and lose their appearance – this will not happen with tiles.

3. Using plywood

The feature of the interior is plywood: the sliding door to the kitchen, window sills, a closet in the bathroom, and a partition wardrobe between the kitchen and living room are made from it, where the refrigerator is located on the kitchen side and the washing machine on the hallway side.

4. Ready storage system

The main storage system is a closet covering the entire wall. At first, the designers wanted to make it to order, but upon calculation, it turned out that a ready-made solution would be three times cheaper. The closet contains a compartment for storing a vacuum cleaner, a dryer, stepladders, and a compartment for books, the rest of the space is given over to seasonal and permanent items.

5. Porcelain tiles on the walls of the hallway

In the hallway, porcelain tiles were partially placed on the wall where the bicycle stands. “Tip – if you have open hooks in the hallway, then also make tiles on the wall behind them so that the paint doesn’t rub off,” the designers share.

6. Glass block window

The wall between the kitchen and the bathroom was rebuilt using glass blocks. This is the right decision – if the apartment is very sunny, in the summer a lot of light gets into the bathroom.

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