How to clean sofa upholstery at home

We give step-by-step instructions on how to clean fabric and leather sofa upholstery and get rid of stubborn stains.
We give step-by-step instructions on how to clean fabric and leather sofa upholstery and get rid of stubborn stains.
We give step-by-step instructions on how to clean fabric and leather sofa upholstery and get rid of stubborn stains.

We give step-by-step instructions on how to clean fabric and leather sofa upholstery and get rid of stubborn stains.

Dirty upholstered furniture is a cause for disappointment. If it turns out that ugly spots are old, it’s quite unpleasant. It is not always desirable to invite a cleaning company for professional cleaning. Most often, this is not necessary. We will figure out how to clean a sofa made of fabric or leather at home. 

How to clean fabric sofa upholstery

A good result is guaranteed if the type and composition of the upholstery material are known. Each of them requires a special approach. Here are some general recommendations for fabric upholstery.

  • Before applying the chemicals to furniture, you need to check its safety in inconspicuous areas. Sometimes the liquid dissolves the dye, and spoils the product.
  • Velvet, microfiber, and velour do not tolerate wet cleaning. They are dry cleaned only.
  • Light textiles are cleaned only with a white cloth. Detergents react with dyes, which can leave streaks. 
  • A small pile at the end of cleaning must be straightened with a soft brush. 

Well, if the composition of the tissue was able to determine. This will help predict her reaction to soapy water, cleaning products, and intensive cleaning. We offer instructions for proper cleaning.

Removing dust

We remove crumbs, wool, and dust hidden in secluded places. The easiest way to do this is with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle. It will reach the most inaccessible areas. The pile of upholstery will have to be knocked out. Wring out the sheet soaked in soapy water or clean water, lay it on the furniture. We actively knock out the dust that collects on the wet canvas.

Removing stubborn dirt

From lint-free textiles, we scrape them off with any suitable object. For the pile, we use pre-soaking with soapy foam. Only then we remove the dirt.

Removing stains

The simplest solution is to use universal chemicals. They are able to remove various types of dirt. Following the instructions, we treat the problem areas. If necessary, repeat the processing.

We carry out a refreshing wet cleaning

You can use any special preparation, dissolving it in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. There are other options:

  • aqueous shampoo solution;
  • an aqueous solution of soap;
  • an aqueous solution of 9% vinegar.

Gently process the entire surface of the sofa, and let dry. Then clean with a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning leather furniture

The leather is capricious in care, it is easy to damage it. Therefore, it is good if the accompanying documentation is preserved. It must contain all the necessary information about leather upholstery, including the means for caring for it. We work in this order.

Remove the dust

Remove dust, debris, and wool with a vacuum cleaner. Do this carefully so that hard nozzles do not spoil the coating.

Removing stains

Use special preparations for this. 

Wet a soft cloth with soapy water

Squeeze it. Wipe down all leather. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

Take the conditioner for furniture

Or prepare a mixture of two parts of olive or linseed oil with one part of vinegar. Process the leather, leave for 10 minutes.


Polish the finish with a soft cloth. White leather upholstery is the hardest to clean. The smallest spots and stains are especially noticeable on it. Regular milk will be a good helper. Slightly warmed up, applied to a cotton pad, and the dirt is wiped off. The cleaned area is wiped dry with a rag. Ammonia or a weak solution of vinegar will also help. But unlike milk, these substances are not safe. In concentrated form, they dry the skin, and cause cracking. 

How to get rid of stubborn stains

Any substance can leave unpleasant marks on the coating. It is possible to clean them effectively only if the “culprit” of the problem is known. The best result is the removal of fresh stains, it is more difficult to deal with old ones. The processing technology is simple: the movements are directed from the edges to the center so that the speck does not spread. We offer proven recipes.

Red wine

Dab a fresh puddle with napkins, and sprinkle with salt. We give time for the moisture to be absorbed into the powder. Sprinkle again if necessary. We clean off the salt, wash the remaining trace of wine with alcohol, then with soapy water. We wash the soap and dry the fragment of the skin with napkins.

Pen or marker 

We dissolve the color pigment by rubbing it with ammonia or ethyl alcohol. Acetone will also work. Wipe and remove stains with a damp cloth. Rinse clean, dry. This technique will also help get rid of traces of nail polish, and lipstick.

Chewing gum

Freeze it. To do this, take a few ice cubes. Wrap them in a plastic bag so as not to wet the fabric. Wait for the gum to become solid. Carefully scrape it off. In some cases, traces remain. Remove them with cotton wool soaked in methyl alcohol. 


There are several methods for cleaning the upholstery of a sofa at home from blood.

It’s easier to rub it off before it dries. Rinse fresh stains with cold water. It’s cold. Under the influence of high temperature, blood proteins “coagulate”, fixing themselves in textiles. Dried stains can also be removed. First, soak it, for this, cover it with two or three ice cubes. Prepare a vinegar preparation. Dilute in a liter of water 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. Remove the ice, and wipe the problem area with the prepared mixture. Finally, rinse with clean water.

Salt water will also help. Wet them with solution, and let it soak. Then wipe off with a clean cloth. Aspirin works the same way. Two tablets are crushed into powder, and dissolved in a glass of ice water.

Vegetable or fruit juice

Such traces are quite difficult to remove. Dilute 9% vinegar or ammonia. With the resulting preparation, we gradually purify the juice. Wash the upholstery to remove the remnants of a strong-smelling solution. 

Traces of fat

Cover the newly appeared spots from the fallen food with fine salt, soda, or starch. The powder will absorb particles of fat, literally pulling them out of the threads. Therefore, leave it for a while while preparing the detergent. Take hot water. It is hot because fat dissolves only in it. Add dish liquid, washing powder, etc. to it. Whip the foam. Remove the powder from the contamination. Wet the sponge in the foam, and wipe off the remaining fat. 

Similarly, you can deal with grease. These are the same greasy spots, only old ones, with dirt stuck to them. To dissolve it, use different means: glycerin, soda gruel, and diluted ammonia. Rub into the greasy area. For some time, the product is left to soften the dirt. For light or white upholstery, diluted chalk is sometimes used. The dissolved substance is wiped off with a sponge dipped in soapy water. It is better to take dish gel or concentrated laundry soap, they dissolve fat well. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Then the detergent composition is washed off completely. Not all housewives know how to clean the upholstery of the sofa from grease so that stains do not appear. The secret lies in minimal exposure to liquid and quick natural drying of the furniture.

Any sofa can be cleaned at home, refresh upholstery, and remove stains. It will be much easier to do all this if you monitor the condition of the furniture. Regularly clean dust and animal hair, and immediately get rid of the slightest specks. With such care, your favorite sofa will look like new for a long time.         

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