How to choose the size of the bedspread: 10 tips

how to choose the size of the bedspread 10 tips 7

A neat, stylishly made bed is the visual and semantic center of the bedroom. In order for its design to be beautiful, it is important to guess the optimal size of the bedspread. Let’s figure out how to calculate it and what factors to take into account.

Choosing textiles for the bedroom is an important stage in interior design. Even when the base – blankets, pillows, bed linen – is ready, the purchase of a bedspread remains. It will be responsible for the final decoration of the bed and complement the interior of the entire bedroom. The overall style, color, material and texture, as well as, of course, the size are important selection criteria. It is the last of them that will be discussed in the article – what size should the bedspreads be for different bed formats?


The size of the bedspread directly depends on the format of the mattress and the design of the bed. Even if you are sure what kind of mattress you bought, it is still better to measure the length and width again before buying textiles.

You can calculate the optimal size using standard formulas.

  • Width = width of mattress + height of mattress multiplied by 2.
  • Length (without footboard) = length of mattress + height of mattress.
  • Length (with footboard) = length of the mattress.

That is, if there is a backrest in the area of the legs, then the bedspread will be the same length as the mattress itself. In this way, the fabric will not gather ugly at the joints with the parts of the bed. At the same time, it is better to have a small margin of 1-2 cm – so that there are no visual “holes” in which bed linen is visible.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you need textiles for a 160 bed, what size of bedspread will be optimal? The height of the mattress, for example, is 20 cm, and there is no protruding footboard. Then the width will be 200 cm (160 + 20 * 2) and the length will be 220 cm (200 + 20). It is the covers for the bed 200 * 220 that are most often found in the assortment of manufacturers.

But there are many factors that can change the optimal size in each case, even if the mattress is still the same 160 * 200. These points will be considered in the following sections.

What are the sizes of bedspreads?

Size guide

Before choosing a blanket for your bed, you need to understand the standard sizes. Below is a table in which you can correlate the typical dimensions of beds with the available sizes of bedspreads. You can also refer to it to quickly check if the model you have already chosen is suitable for you.

BerthPossible widthPossible LengthAvailable sizes
Baby60*120, 70*14090-115110-16090*140, 110*140, 100*120, 100*140, 100*150, 100*200, 110*110, 110*150, 110*160, 110*200, 115*145
Single Bedroom80*200, 90*200120-145150-230120*220, 130*170, 140*200, 120*200, 125*150, 130*180, 130*220, 140*180, 140*220, 140*230, 145*200, 145*220
Polutornoye120*200150-170200-240150*200, 150*220, 160*220, 150*210, 150*240, 150*250, 160*210, 160*230, 170*200, 170*210, 170*230, 170*240
Double140*200180-190200-280180*200, 180*240, 180*210, 180*220, 180*260, 180*270, 180*280, 190*220
Euro160*200200-210220-260200*220, 200*240, 200*260, 210*220
King Size200*200220-280230-300220*240, 230*250, 240*260, 220*230, 230*280, 230*240, 250*260, 250*270, 260*260, 260*270, 270*270, 280*280, 280*300


The first column shows the name of a typical bed and its dimensions. The second and third columns are the range of length and width that will be optimal for a particular type of bed. The last column lists the possible dimensions for which the bedspreads are produced. At the beginning of each group are the most common patterns.

The variation can be large because there are a number of other factors that affect how a bedded bed will look. For example, not only the thickness of the mattress but also the height of the bed or its other design features.

For family-sized beds and bedding, the same options as for euros are suitable. Its main difference is the presence of two separate blankets, rather than one large one. Therefore, this will not affect the choice of a blanket.

There is also a typical size of 180*200. It is interpreted in different ways, it can fall under the definition of both “double” and “euro”. It is sometimes called a “queen size” by analogy with the larger “king size”.

There is also the concept of “super-king” (less often the name “mega-king”). This size is truly royal – 240*270. This can be found in a hotel, but it is still not often chosen for apartments. To choose a bedspread for such an impressive bed, it is better to use the formula given above. Most likely, it will have to be sewn to order.

If you choose a blanket for a crib for a newborn or baby under 2 years old, then in most cases it should repeat the parameters of the mattress. Such cribs are surrounded by sides (and sometimes additional pillows on them), so edge allowances are not needed. Only if a couple of cm – to tuck in the edges of the textile a little.

Tips for choosing

Now that the standard size charts are known, and you know how to choose the size of the bedspread using the formula, let’s summarize all the important points. We will also give some useful advice about the structural and design features of beds.

  1. Before choosing, take measurements of the bed again. At the same time, take into account the design features of the bed. For example, some models may have wide protrusions around the perimeter. And if you want to cover them with textiles, you need to measure this distance from the edge of the mattress to the desired edge of the bedspread.
  2. In some cases, the blanket can be tucked behind these “sides”. Then you will need textiles of such a size that the fabric does not straighten out from the slightest movement, but so that it is easy to tuck it behind the protrusions. The material should not be too dense, otherwise ugly folds and “creases” are guaranteed.
  3. Don’t forget that the thickness of the mattress can make a big difference. If you just buy a bedspread marked “double” for the same bed, but it turns out that the mattress is non-standard (very high), then the purchase will be small. The sheet will be visible, which means that you can forget about the neat appearance of the bed.
  4. Consider the location of the bed in the room. For example, if the bed is pushed against the wall, then you do not need to leave an allowance on this side – accordingly, the standard formula will change. Another case is when one of the sides is not pressed, but is close to the window with curtains. A little “air” remains there, but you should not make a large margin equal to the thickness of the mattress – too many textiles in a cramped corner will look untidy and crumpled. Make a small allowance so that the edge of the bed looks covered from the side.
  5. If there is a high footboard, then the length of the bedspread should be equal to the length of the mattress. It will hang down only on both sides, it is important to make sure that the textile does not look cute. To do this, it is better to add 2-3 cm to the width of the canvas.

When determining the necessary parameters of textiles, it is important to be guided not only by the overall neatness of the bed, but also by other visual aspects. For several years now, the technique of decorating the bed has not lost its relevance. It’s no longer fashionable to just throw a blanket over it. Various draperies (as part of the textile or imitated by yourself), additional plaids, capes, and decorative pillows are used. How to choose the size of the bedspread if you want to decorate the bed in a special way?

  1. If you want to use blankets and capes on top, the bedspread should not be too large. Calculate its parameters according to the formula and do not make additional allowances.
  2. One of the simple but stylish solutions is to lapel the top edge of the bedspread. Double-folded textiles look more harmonious, so their length should be slightly longer than calculated according to the formula.
  3. If there are several puffy pillows in decorative covers on the bed, it is important to maintain the proportionality of the entire area. To do this, the edges of the textile should not barely cover the mattress, but balance the volume from above, hanging a little lower.
  4. Textiles that completely frame the bed and touch the floor look luxurious. But although beds decorated in this way are beautiful in the picture, in real life it is not very practical. You can catch your feet on the long hanging edges as you pass by. It also interferes with vacuuming, especially if this task is performed by a robot vacuum. And dust will collect on the textiles and get into the bed.
  5. For the appearance, not only the size is important, but also the density of the fabric. Even if you choose the right dimensions, but miss the material, you can spoil the whole picture. Avoid fabrics that are too thin – they generally look dull and ugly. And if you don’t calculate the size perfectly, you can cross out the entire interior of the bedroom. At the same time, excessively dense fabrics, which literally “stand”, can form creases at the corners and edges. For example, with a slight allowance on the sides, dense materials will stick out and may not cover the mattress – although the calculation according to the formula was correct.

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