10 Stylish DIY Storage Items

10 stylish diy storage items 10

You don’t have to invest in expensive storage systems to keep things organized. It is quite possible to make them with your own hands from improvised materials.

1. Make a DIY storage basket

There are tons of DIY ideas out there. The easiest way is to link the shopping cart. Knitted décor is gaining popularity along with the coming autumn and the coming cold weather, but regardless of the season, such a basket will always come in handy for storing small things, keys, and even cosmetics.

Another option is mixed, the frame is made of wood, and the storage bag is made of fabric. In this case, it is easy to change the mood of the house by simply sewing a new bag from fabric of any color.

2. Or decorate the one you already have

Do you just want to contribute something new without bothering yourself with manual work? Upgrade your regular soft basket. For example, sew pompoms to it. You will get a new, playful style suitable for the bedroom or living room.

3. Make unusual shelves

If you are not afraid of power tools, as well as working with wood and hammers, take a closer look at this idea. A few sheets of perforated plywood, planks, and blocks of wood, and the room was decorated with a stylish wall-to-wall storage system. Perfect for Scandinavian style, minimalism, or interior design in today’s trendy Japanese wabi-sabi.

4. Assemble a stylish storage ladder

You know that storage ladders are at the peak of popularity today, right? They are even placed in bathrooms to store towels and hang rails and hooks. Why not make it yourself? For example, in this case, wooden blocks and nails were used, which were spray-painted in fashionable graphite and copper colors. And then they just assembled it with the help of tools.

5. Attach the baskets to the wall

Baskets can be given a “second” life in this way – they can be turned into improvised shelves for storage. A cool idea for country interiors or those who love hand-made in their home.

6. Make padded shelves to store books

And here’s one idea for inspiration. Assemble a hanging structure from ropes and wooden sticks – you can use any, but preferably round and smooth, it is better to attach a fabric frame to them. Then sew buttons to a piece of the chosen fabric and make slots for the buttonholes. This will make it easy to attach the soft shelves to the frame.

7. Equip a Folding Dryer

A useful idea for those who do not have space for floor dryers, and it is not yet possible to install a tumble dryer. The folding structure will save space, and it is also quite possible to make it yourself: from wood and ropes.

8. Upgrade your purchased system

Off-the-shelf storage systems can be improved and transformed. For example, this is how the popular IKEA Raskog mobile rack was transformed — a metal holder for kitchen appliances was attached to the side (you can store curling irons or a hair dryer there), signatures were made on the shelves, and inserts for cosmetics and accessories were used.

9. Look for ways to fit more stuff into a smaller space

This will help you save square footage without compromising the functionality of the interior. For example, one hanger in the closet can store up to 10 T-shirts or underwear. To do this, it is enough to attach additional mini-hanger rings to it. The idea is surprisingly simple but no less useful.

10. Make a roof rail with your own hands

Look at this idea. The metal railing was attached to the cabinet using a holder made of an ordinary leather belt with loops. An interesting idea for additional storage in dressing rooms or for the kitchen.

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