A reissue called Svenskt Tenn Est. 1924, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Swedish company. The print was originally invented by the architect Josef Frank in the 1949-1950s, from then on it was used only for special orders and was never included in the permanent product range. It was no coincidence that it was called Stockholm: it depicted iconic locations and central streets of the capital in the form of a colorful graphic map. As part of the anniversary edition, the Svenskt Tenn team has slightly updated the original drawing, adding the inscription Svenskt Tenn Est. 1924. According to the company, it echoes another Frank print, also stored in the archive, in Manhattan. The updated pattern is available as a single piece of fabric, as well as on select models of the brand and six classic pieces of furniture released especially as part of the celebration of the milestone anniversary.
Photo: Svenskt Tenn.
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