Company1-800-Flowers named the plant and flower of 2023. It is promised that the most fashionable plant will be calathea – a genus of flowering plants of the arrowroot family, growing in Southern Mexico, Central America, and tropical regions of South America. The flower of the year is recognized as an orchid.

Currently, more than a hundred species of calathea are known, but experts have highlighted one of them, calathea rattlesnake. “This calathea symbolizes a new page in gardening and a promising start in 2023,” Alfred Palomares, vice president of the company, explained in an official statement. It brings a lot of joy and positivity, and fills the house with well-being.”
The plant lives in the Brazilian tropical forests, feels good in weak or partial light and rarely grows above half a meter. It is an excellent choice for small city apartments. Thanks to its reddish-purple hue, “calathea turns out to be one of those decorative elements that guests will talk about with you.”

The 2023 plant produces small yellow flowers in the wild, but it rarely blooms indoors. However, if you want a lush bloom, 1-800-Flowers also introduced the flower of 2023: an orchid. Although caring for an orchid is not easy and represents a kind of art, it perfectly complements the interior. “Orchids are exotic, luxurious tropical flowers that surprise and delight, and ultimately make you smile,” Palomares adds. “The gift of orchids exceeds all expectations. Whether you add calathea or both plants to your collection, 2023 promises to be full of life and style.”
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