AMO combined office and nature in the scenography for the Prada show

amo combined office and nature in the scenography for the prada show 1

The team at AMO, the research and design studio of the architectural bureau OMA, developed the design for the fashion house’s autumn-winter men’s collection in Milan. The show’s scenography was based on two contrasting elements of modern life – office interiors and the natural landscape. The Prada Foundation space has been radically transformed with a series of classic office chairs and the glow of cool LED lighting – typical elements of workspaces – rising above the man-made landscape. According to the designers’ idea, the show’s decorations echo the key message of the new collection, which is based on the study of human emotional instincts associated with nature. As part of the AMO concept, the transparent floor, separating the office space and elements of the natural world, acts as “an analog projection among the multitude of digital images that fill our lives today.” 

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