A skate ramp designed by PlayLab Inc has appeared in Downtown Los Angeles.

a skate ramp designed by playlab inc has appeared in downtown los angeles 1

California-based designers PlayLab Inc. have teamed up with shoe brand Vans again, this time as part of Los Angeles Art Week. During key art fairs, a massive bright yellow skate ramp appeared in the Downtown area. The installation, installed between industrial buildings, was constructed using recycled materials – elements left over from the studio’s previous facilities. These include a clear plexiglass skate park that the team built last summer in Paris, as well as scaffolding and a paper composite called Skatelite, typically used to cover skateboard ramps. According to PlayLab Inc, the design of the new installation should imitate the hilly landscape characteristic of California. In the center of the ramp, there is a pyramid, which serves not only as a platform for skating but also as an impressive visual detail. 

Photo: Studio Naho Kubota.

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