Expo 2030: the largest solar farm project in the world

The world is getting ready for Expo 2030. Different cities are starting to compete for the opportunity to host the exhibition – and Rome is among them. 

The world is getting ready for Expo 2030. Different cities are starting to compete for the opportunity to host the exhibition – and Rome is among them. As part of this application, a huge solar park is planned to be built near the Italian capital. It was designed by Carlo Ratti Associati in collaboration with architect Italo Rota and urbanist Richard Burdett. If chosen to host the event, this mosaic structure will become “the world’s largest urban solar farm.” The theme for World Expo 2030 is “People and Territories Together: Urban Revitalization, Inclusion, and Innovation”.

According to the architects, the idea is that all countries participating in World Expo 2030 will help launch this system. To begin with, they propose to discuss the concept of energy sharing in creating a “new model of urban development.”

“Expo 2030 Roma aims to open new horizons for world exhibitions and other major events,” explained CRA founder Carlo Ratti. “Our master plan is experimenting with collective city-building processes, new energy distribution strategies, and inclusive urban transformations that go far beyond the time and space of the event.”

Rome’s application is being developed in collaboration with engineers Arup and Systematica, as well as landscape designer LAND. The master plan proposes a site in Rome’s Tor Vergata district, home to the university of the same name, a residential area, and the Vela sports complex built by Santiago Calatrava. The solar farm will consist of hundreds of square-shaped “energy trees” built into special sites in each country and designed to open and close their panels during the day. While gathering energy, these structures will also provide shade for visitors exploring the site and form a mosaic structure when viewed from above.

Another goal that the authors want to achieve with the help of a solar farm is to supply renewable energy to nearby areas. “Expo Solar Park’s master plan vision ensures that the event will not only revitalize the area, but help decarbonize it. Solar farm in Rome will cover an area of ​​150,000 square meters. meters and boasts a production capacity of 36 megawatts peak, making it the largest urban public solar farm in the world,” the studio said.

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