An object inspired by a Lebanese wicker chair will be built at Burning Man.

an object inspired by a lebanese wicker chair will be built at burning man 1

Temple of Together’s design references artist Caroline Ghosn’s memories of the Khaizaran chairs, created using traditional Lebanese weaving techniques. Characteristic patterns will be incorporated into and around the structure of the structure, allowing light and air to flow freely into the space, while the festival team plans to use recycled materials to construct the facility. Also, the appearance of the object was influenced by elements of such architectural styles as neo-Gothic and Art Deco: in particular, pointed arches and symmetrical geometric shapes refer to them. According to the creator’s idea, Temple of Together acts as a metaphor for light, the appearance of which can only be achieved by uniting everyone together.  

The Burning Man festival will take place in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada from August 25 to September 2, 2024. 

Images:  Maissa Sader. 

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