How to grow plants in a jar: 7 steps to creating an unusual decor

how to grow plants in a jar 7 steps to creating an unusual decor 2

We tell you everything about organizing a closed ecosystem: what plants to choose, where to plant them, and how to care for them.

1. Start preparing by choosing plants

The volume of the florarium and the composition of the soil depend on the plants, so they are selected first. It must be remembered that green “pets” will have to live in conditions of limited lighting and high humidity. Look for unpretentious species that grow fairly slowly. This way, in the future, you won’t have to frequently change the container or open it for pruning.

Unpretentious plants for beginning gardeners

  • Moss. You can buy it in a store or collect it yourself in the forest. 
  • Ficus. Suitable for large florariums. 
  • Tradescantia. For a small container, you can cut a branch of an adult plant, germinate the roots in a glass of water, and transfer it to the ground.
  • Chlorophytum. Take a cutting from an adult plant and root it in new soil.
  • Mini-ferns. For example, adiantum, asplenum, pteris.

2. Look for hermetically sealed containers

Stores often sell open or unsealed containers for florariums. Of course, you can plant different plants in them – this will also look beautiful. But it will not be possible to create a closed ecosystem, because the moisture will evaporate. 

For a real florarium, look for any glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Bottles in the form of light bulbs, flasks for chemical experiments, containers for storing bulk products, and closed aquariums are suitable.

3. Don’t forget about drainage

Water poured into the florarium should circulate throughout the entire volume, but not waterlog the soil. Therefore, a layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the container. Small crushed stone, expanded clay, and small fragments of ceramics are best suited.

The layer depends on the volume of the container and the plants themselves. The more water they need, the thicker the drainage should be. For moss, for example, 1-2 cm is enough, for ficuses – 3-6 cm. An additional layer of quartz sand must be laid on top of the large-format drainage – it will prevent the soil from crumbling to the bottom.

4. Choose the right soil

For a florarium with unpretentious plants, a universal mixture from a gardening store is suitable. You should not take nutritious soil – with high humidity, fungus is more likely to grow in it. And the flowers will grow faster, which is undesirable in a limited volume.

Wild plants (moss, clover) can be dug up along with the soil in which they lived. This way the seedlings will be better accepted in the new place. 

5. Add decor

To make the ecosystem look more interesting, you can add a little decor. Stones, figurines of houses, gnomes, and fairy-tale animals are suitable. A complex plot can also be embodied in a florarium. Before placing decorations in a container with plants, wipe them thoroughly with a cloth soaked in alcohol.  

6. Water gently

Adding the right amount of water is the most difficult part of creating a florarium. If there is not enough of it, everything will dry out; if there is too much, the roots will rot. Therefore, add liquid gradually. Water the plants, leave for a day, and close the lid. Wait another day, inspect the florarium. If the walls become very foggy and drops form on the leaves, open the lid and let the excess moisture evaporate a little more. If the soil is too dry, you need to add a little water. 

7. Find a suitable location

The container with plants should not be placed in direct sunlight: for example, on an eastern or southern windowsill. The water inside will overheat, and the roots, stems and leaves will begin to rot.

It is better to place the composition in the back of the room: on a coffee or work table, cabinet, or console. Do not be afraid of a small amount of light, since active growth in this case is still undesirable. 

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