Not only a loft: how to use decorative bricks in the interior

We will explain what a decorative brick is, and how you can apply it in the interior of any room.

We will explain what a decorative brick is, and how you can apply it in the interior of any room.

Brickwork has long gone beyond lofts, we meet it in a variety of interiors and rooms. And it does not have to be real bricks, which, by a lucky chance, can be found under the old wallpaper. In this article, we will tell you how you can use decorative bricks for interior decoration, what type to choose, and what to combine with.

Pros and cons of finishing

Artificial brick has a number of advantages over the original.


  • It is lighter and thinner, which means it does not take away precious centimeters of area.
  • It has good thermal insulation.
  • Much easier installation – a special adhesive is enough to attach the parts to the surface.
  • Large selection of colors and shades from white to black.
  • It can be cut, which is convenient when facing areas of non-standard shape and corners.
  • It serves for a long time, does not fade in the sun, and is not afraid of exposure to household chemicals – this simplifies surface care.
  • With such cladding, the wall automatically becomes an accent element.


Few cons compared to pros.

  • It can create a feeling of an unfinished and uncomfortable interior. This happens if you go too far with rough textures and cold tones – as a result, there may be a feeling of non-residential premises.
  • Not suitable for every style. Indeed, in a strict classic interior, such a cladding will look strange, but at the same time, it has long gone beyond industrial styles. Modern, scandi, boho, eclectic, minimalism – thanks to the variety of textures and colors, brick trim can fit into most modern styles.
  • An excess of such decoration will visually reduce the space due to a large number of small details, and can also simply ripple in the eyes and make the atmosphere too monotonous and boring. To avoid this, it is imperative to combine this texture with other materials.


When choosing an artificial analog, it is important to understand what characteristics each of the materials has.


Decorative gypsum bricks have many advantages: it is a lightweight, inexpensive material, which, moreover, do not require complex installation – it is fixed on the wall with PVA glue or mastic. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, has good hygroscopicity, and does not cause allergies, since it is made from natural materials: gypsum, quartz squeak, marble chips, and water. And most importantly – it is almost identical to natural brick in texture and color. Of the minuses – it is easily subject to mechanical stress (the surface can be damaged even from a slight blow) and temperature changes, and it is unstable to moisture. Because of this, the scope is significantly reduced: gypsum imitation is not suitable for bathrooms and kitchens. 


This material has high technical characteristics. Due to the use of high temperatures in the manufacture, it turns out to be durable, not afraid of water and temperature changes. As a result, the cost is high.


It is made from a mixture of cement and modifying components, which are poured into special rectangular shapes that exactly repeat the relief of natural bricks.

Its new modification is a hyper-pressed material, which contains a small percentage of cement (up to 15%) and various rock wastes that are mixed, moistened, and pressed under high pressure. Outwardly, it can be of any color: from imitation of the original to bright light or dark shades.


A popular choice for brick wall cladding. The main component is clay, which is molded and fired. Dyes can be added to the composition, which results in a wide variety of shades. It turns out a reliable, wear-resistant, and frost-resistant coating, which also improves the thermal insulation of the room.

Other brick cladding options

In addition to direct analogs, there are other ways to visually create an imitation of real briquettes on the wall.

For example, PVC or MDF panels, acrylic tiles, and printed wallpaper.

Finishing with decorative bricks in different styles

The native style for brick walls is a loft. Here, such cladding is an almost indispensable element, but if the building itself does not imply the presence of real masonry, then it can be replaced with a decorative coating.

It is followed by other brutal trends – high-tech and minimalism. In monochrome interiors, characteristic of these styles, it is not colors that come to the fore, but textures and surface relief, so designers often use imitation of stone, concrete, or brick in wall decoration.

But no less often, decorative counterparts are found in Scandinavian, modern, and boho interiors. Inclusions of rough material add zest to the design, and a variety of colors allows you to fit the finish into any palette. 

White-facing masonry is popular today. It turns out a discreet but at the same time interesting volumetric background, which does not burden the room and becomes the basis for other bright objects.

Ideas for every room

Consider the options for decorative brick-like finishes for the interior decoration of each room.

Living room

The living room offers a large field for experimenting with decoration. One accent wall is most often made out. It might be behind the sofa; around a real or artificial fireplace; or in the TV area.

Since the texture itself is bright and active, it is not necessary to emphasize it with decor. If you want to make an additional accent, you can use watches, paintings, or photos in frames. 

Brick cladding is well suited for visual highlighting of architectural elements: columns, corners, and niches. Also, it can lay out not on the entire surface from floor to ceiling, but only part of the wall. Imitation can also be used as a zoning tool to separate the seating area from the dining group.


In the kitchen, imitation of red stone can be used in the following options.

  • The wall behind the countertop.
  • An apron on which dirt will be less noticeable.
  • The wall behind the dining group.
  • A separate fragment – for example, an area by the window instead of a painting.
  • The area behind the bar.

If the room is small in size, it is better not to use such masonry on all four walls, since the abundance of small details will press and visually make the space narrower. It is better to combine the relief with a neutral color paint (preferably light), simple wallpaper or plain clinker tiles.

For a kitchen in a Scandinavian or modern style, white masonry is suitable. For a more brutal interior, you can take a natural color or dark shades of gray, blue, or black. Bright contrasting facades look interesting against such a background.


In the bedroom, the use of rough stone may be questionable, but it’s one way to spice up a calm interior. Most often, such a finish is chosen for an accent wall behind the head of the bed or allocated a work area or a makeup table to it. The main rule is to maintain balance so that the room remains cozy and sets you up for relaxation. To do this, combine tiles with warm natural textures (wood, soft fabrics, rattan) and use natural shades in the palette. Also, the effect will be enhanced by indoor plants and multi-level soft light.


In the hallway, decorative brick on the wall looks especially organic, because this room is the link between the outside and the inside, and here, traditionally, the exterior finish will be in place. 

You can use it for a niche, one accent wall, or on the entire surface. The main thing is to think about sufficient artificial lighting, since there is always not enough light in the entrance area, and in the twilight, the beauty of the masonry will be lost.

If the area is very small, so as not to narrow the space even more, it is better to choose a light coating.

Kids Bedroom 

Artificial stone is also used in children’s rooms. Stereotypes about the roughness of such a finish are gradually fading away, and it is increasingly used for zoning and highlighting certain elements.

In a room for an active boy, you can use red or brown panels that are as similar as possible to real bricks – you get an active and daring interior.

You can also emboss one accent wall or a small area – for example, behind the bed. In any case, choose an imitation with sufficient technical characteristics: for example, a gypsum base will not work, since the walls in the nursery are regularly subjected to mechanical stress, and the cladding should be as strong as possible and resistant to shock and damage.


You can experiment with finishing in the bathroom. Since this is a room with high humidity and temperature changes, ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware are best suited for wall decoration. 

A popular application is for zoning. Bricks can be laid out behind the sink or shower, combined with a smooth neutral tile.

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